
Hello World

A new beginning everyday

This space was initially set up for sharing some of my experiences in Canada. That was soon after my landing in Vancouver as a Permanent Resident ten years ago. While exploring this beautiful city and the nearby places, I learned a lot of interesting facts about Canada, and I wanted to write it somewhere and made this website. From 2022, I have been trying to expand this platform to share my travel experiences of all the places I have traveled. Having traveled to over 58 countries (still counting), I felt it was a good idea to write about it so that I can keep my memories vivid while sharing it with others.

Photo of Me

Bino Mathew

More about me

Traveling is my Passion

Traveling makes a person more knowledgeable and more open minded. Going to a new place and experiencing something new gives amazing pleasure to the mind. Never miss an opportunity to travel! Travel as much as you can.

Technology is my Spirit

Seeing humans from an outer perspective will make us realize that humans are the most foolish animals in the universe but for his incomparable achievements in Technology. Being on the technology front for so many years, it has become my spirit.

Nature is my God

I am not an Atheist. But I am convinced that God is beyond all the definitions and stories given by any human being or religion. Read more about this in About me section.

Travel - My Passion

It's a small world

Not really !

We realize it when we start traveling. I could visit only 58 countries until now. As we know, some countries are so vast, and places or states within are like different countries for its diversity of nature and culture. Typical examples are the 50 states of America or the 29 states of India. Every place has some uniqueness. The world is so vast that nobody can see its entirety in a lifetime. My concept of traveling is not getting holed up in a resort in a foreign country like many people do. I cannot count a country as visited, unless I have stayed and explored the places at least for 7-10 days. I have traveled solo to most of these places and always made sure to use local transportation like buses, trams, metros, and ferries. That helped me to mingle with the local people and learn a little bit about their culture. Talking to local people helps to gather more authentic information about the places as nobody knows the details like the locals do!

Following are the countries I have either visited or lived in.

(Only 'Canada' 'Netherlands' 'Switzerland' and 'China' pages are enabled at the moment)

Singapore-Writing in progress
England-Writing in progress
USA-Writing in progress
Dubai-Writing in progress
Dubai, Sharja
Japan-Writing in progress
Saudi Arabia-Writing in progress
Saudi Arabia
France-Writing in progress

Travel Tips

Traveling on a low budget without compromising on comfort

As mentioned earlier, my travels to most of these places were solo trips, and I managed all the bookings like travel tickets, hotel / BnB reservations, and visa formalities myself using online information. I also make sure to use the local public transport facilities like buses, trams, metros, and ferries as much as possible for two reasons. First of all, it is much cheaper for a solo traveler. Another advantage is that it helps to learn local customs and culture. Making sure to avoid such trips during the peak hours would be ideal. It may also be noted that in some places, local buses are unbearable.

I will be happy to share some of my methods to accomplish comfortable travel without breaking the bank in my future posts. Meanwhile, if you need any specific information feel free to send me an email. I'd also love your feedback!